CV Sibout Nooteboom


  • 2006: PhD Public Administration Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • 2000: Nyenrode Training Management Consultancy
  • 1986: Master Biology, University Leiden
  • 2021: Basic Safety & Security Course (HEAT)

Main affiliations

  • October 2020 - present: Independent consultant, associated with Spread your Wings network, GovernEUR and NCEA
  • 2007 - October 2020 : parttime senior researcher and teacher at public administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam (hospitality agreement between 2012 and October 2020)
  • 2013 - 2020: NCEA (Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment / developing countries department)
  • 2008 - 2012: Ministry of the Interior, organization of national government department
  • 2001 - 2008: DHV Management Consultants
  • 1994 - 2000: DHV Consultants, environmental economics and policy department
  • 1990 - 1993: DHV Consultants, EIA department

Other affiliations

  • 2007 - 2011: Public Administration Erasmus University Rotterdam (senior researcher)
  • 2012 - 2020: Public Administration Erasmus University Rotterdam (occasional teacher) 
  • 2014 - 2018: University Twente, masterclass HRM and innovation in the Master Public Management (visiting)

Recent and ongoing work

  1. January 2021 - ongoing: Municipality of The Hague: Development of an analysis framework and real time evaluation of emerging horizontal learning communities in spatial planning and the environment (with GovernEUR)
  2. January 2021 - ongoing: Facilitation of a team narrative on the link between collaborative governance, environmental assessment and the role of the independent Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in developing countries (with NCEA)
  3. January 2021 - ongoing: supporting the NCEA international team with respect to issues of governance and process management. For example, facilitating an inter-ministerial steering group deciding on major spatial investments, some of which to be supported by the Dutch public bank Invest International. Facilitating decision-making of an interministerial group in Senegal responsible for sustainable oil and gas production. 
  4. 2023: WWF European Policy Office: study on the quality of Regulatory Impact Assessments of the European Commission with a view to climate change and the do-no-harm principle (with Public Strategy for Sustainable Development)
  5. 2022: Quarter maker of the NCEA's programme Sustainability Analysis
  6. Winter 2021/2 - Summer 2022 : evaluation of design-build-finance-maintain-operate contracts in national real estate (Rijksvastgoedbedrijf and Bouwend Nederland) (With GovernEUR)
  7. Summer 2021 : facilitating co-creation of an implementation program for circular economy in real estate of the city of Rotterdam (with the Mastercircle method)
  8. May - October 2021. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Evaluation of their covenant with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). (With Erasmus Research & Business Support via GovernEUR)
  9. October 2020 - March 2021 : European Commission: rules of procedure and narrative for the multilevel steering group of the European Urban Initiative (With GovernEUR)
  10. November 2020 - April 2021: Multilevel Governance Platform NZKG and Ministry of Internal Affairs: advice on a multilevel governance arrangement for the Northsea-canal area (NZKG), one of the areas selected by the "national strategy on spatial planning and the environment" (NOVI) (with GovernEUR)

Work done

Developing countries (after 2012)

  1. Governance advice to developing countries in the context of Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment work in Benin, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinée and about 6 other countries in Sub Sahara Africa
  2. Support to Ministry of Foreign Affairs in climate change mainstreaming and other ways of integrating sustainable development issues into the development assistance policy process.
  3. Advisor to the NL board member of the Green Climate Fund (early 2016 - end of 2017)
  4. June 2020: Webinar : debate among project leaders of innovative governance processes in the context of environmental assessment, in Guinée, Mali, Senegal (133 participants from francophone Africa) 

See for details. 


Developing Countries (before 2012)

  1. Advice to the Mozambican government about Strategic Environmental Assessment of the spatial development in the Zambezi Valley (Team member commissioned by Netherlands Commission on Environmental Assessment, 2008-2012)
  2. Member of an advisory committee to the evaluation of the capacity building efforts by Dutch development aid, in particular the Netherlands Commission of Environmental Assesssment (Ministry of International Affairs) (2010)
  3. Participation in an international team developing a guide to evaluation of World Bank pilots of Institutions Centered Strategic Environmental Assessment (Commissioned by Netherlands Commission on Environmental Assessment, 2008-2009)
  4. Evaluation of the Nature and Environment Policy Plan of the Netherlands Antilles (Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2008)
  5. World Bank. Development of a toolkit for Strategic Environmental Assessment that allows the Bank’s task managers to make use of international best practices and facilitates the Bank’s knowledge management (2004-2005)
  6. Support of the development assistance unit of the Netherlands Commission on EIA, with short missions to Mocambique, Jordan and Tunisia (2001 - 2005)
  7. Team leader socio-economic assessment in an environmental strengthening project, monetary valuation of the environmental impact caused by 6 industrial sectors in the Moroccan Sebou water basin. With BCEOM, France (World Bank, 1996)
  8. World Bank. Advice to the Syrian ministry of environment with respect to the development of a system for environmental assessment (World Bank)
  9. Sectoral Environmental Assessment for Tunisian national waste water management policies and practices, in order to determine priority measures for the construction of waste water treatment facilities. Review of general water management policy as basis for setting priorities (ONAS Waste Water Authority /World Bank, 1994)
  10. Sectoral EIA Sichuan Gas development project. Methodological expert and training of local personnel (China, Sichuan Petroleum Administration / World Bank, 1992)


  1. Support of the Partner for Roads Programme, an alliance between road administrations in Europe, in the field of cooperation between road authorities and their social environment; missions to Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, and setting up a website (2005-2007)
  2. Support to the Turkish environment ministry in the development of environmental impact assessment according the European Union legislation (2002-2003)
  3. Contributions to the Phare project Transport and environment: a multicountry approach, in 14 Central and Eastern European countries. (European Commission.) (1999-1998)
  4. With LT Consultants (Finland) development of sustainable transport policies in Lithuania (European Commission)
  5. Strategic Environmental Assessment study of the Slovene Transport Sector (European Commission, Phare fund, 1995)
  6. International comparative studies related to water management and climate change, involving the UK, Germany, France, Belgium and the USA (Ministry of Transport and Waterworks, 2003-2008)
  7. Ministry of Transport and Water Management. Evaluation of the national approach to flood management in Belgium, England, France and Germany (2005)
  8. Support to the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) with the organisation of a workshop on environmental governance, which took place under the Italian presidency of the EU. Subsequently, support with the writing of a chapter on governance in the state of the environment of Europe report, which RIVM prepared in the framework of the Dutch presidency (2003 -2004)
  9. Preparation of the second version of the TERM 2001 report, for EU Member States as well as for EU Accession countries (2000-2001) European Environment Agency to report on the integration of environmental objectives into transport policy.
  10. Study on the links between tiers of environmental assessment (Ministry of Environment, with support of the European Commission) (1999)
  11. Preparation of a methodological manual on SEA for transport infrastructure plans (European Commission, DG Transport) (1998-1999)
  12. Preparation of the chapter Socio-economic development of the Dobris+3 report on the state of the environment in Europe (European Environmental Agency) (1997)
  13. Study on experiences and applied methodology in Strategic Environmental Assessment (European Commission, 1993)



Facilitation of many dozens of Mastercircles, a method of cocreating and accelerating collaboration, related to strategic planning of infrastructure, and cooperation in area-based development, nature conservation, city development and management development in ministries.


Policy Ex-Post Evaluations

  1. Evaluation of real estate management in the city of Amsterdam Noord (for the Evaluation Chamber of the local council) (2009)
  2. Evaluation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the rail line “Zuiderzeelijn” and other transport infrastructures (Ministry of Transport) (2006)
  3. Ministry of Transport and Water Management. Evaluation of policies and cooperation for coastal defense (2005)
  4. Evaluation of provincial policies for safe removal of dredging sludge. Provincial Board North Holland (2003)
  5. Evaluation of the Nature Planning Bureau, a legally independent bureau for the evaluation of nature policy. The law requires a formal evaluation of its performance after 4 years. (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries) (2000)
  6. Ministry of Transport and Water Management. Evaluation of the national water management planning system (2005)

Policy Ex Ante Studies and Indicator Development

  1. Feasibility study for new methods of social learning in area-based governance at the crossroads of traffic management, infrastructure development and spatial planning (for the Platform Traffic and Transportation KpVV) (2009)
  2. Definition of environmental policy performance indicators at national level, for all levels of government (Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment) (1999)
  3. Establishment of an Environmental Policy Performance monitoring plan for the municipality of Apeldoorn (1999)
  4. Development of indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of nature policy in the province South Holland (provincial authorities) (1990)
  5. Development of an information system for environmental policies (environment ministry) (1988-1989)
  6. Development and testing of a method for Sustainability Impact Assessment. It was tested in agricultural policy, spatial planning and energy policy as an incentive for increasing reflexiveness in the policy process. In the framework of the National Action Plan on Sustainable Development (2004)

Policy Development Projects

  1. Support to the inter-ministerial working group coastal zone in the preparation of a chapter in the national water management plan (2008)
  2. Support of DG Water of the ministry of Transport and Water Works about issues of multilevel governance (2006)
  3. Support to the Ministry of Transport and Waterworks, in the development of a letter to Parliament about their policies for systems innovation (2006)
  4. Ministry of environment: member of steering committee to discuss its role in European policy processes, in particular the open method of coordination (2007)
  5. Ministry of Transport and Water Management. Development of a governance strategy for its DG water (2005)
  6. Province Utrecht: role of the province in addressing complex spatial and environmental problems. Provinces all have promised to implement a new form of governance for sustainable development, which was termed transition management. It is closely link to the stimulation of learning networks. DHV gave the province of Utrecht strategic advice about its implementation project (2004)
  7. Support to the Ministry of Environment in promoting a new instrument for interactive, participative policy making (called transition management) (2001)
  8. Support to the working group Absolute Delinkage of the covenant partners of the Strategic Agenda for a sustainable Brabant (2002)
  9. Potential for improvement of the general approach to national environmental policy (preparation of the fourth National Environmental Policy Plan). Ministry of Environment, Netherlands (2000/1)
  10. Strategic advice with regard to further development of the instrument Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)(Ministry of Environment) (1996)
  11. Research about the governance for the national airport and for water management issues, both in an international context, for the National Council on Environmental and Spatial research (2007)

Economic Studies

  1. Feasibility study for economic instruments to reduce non-point pollution of surface water; case studies: sewage overflow, yacht antifoulings, zinc roof elements (National Water Management Board) (1996)
  2. Inventory of initiatives by 15 countries in the area of fiscal greening (for the Dutch Parliamentary Commission on Fiscal Greening, Van Der Vaart) (1995)

Environmental Impact Assessments

  1. Preparation of environmental impact statements for highways, railroads, waste management plants (several clients) (1990- 1993)